Email: Phone: (818) 249-8783
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Expected School-wide Learning Results
The Armenian Sisters' Academy strives to prepare students who will achieve the following at grade appropriate level:
Know the Ten Commandments
Know and understand the basic teachings and religious celebrations of the Armenian Church.
Know the basic prayers and hymns of the Armenian Church liturgy.
Have a strong foundation in core subjects and achieve appropriate levels in English, Math, and Science.
Know and use information technology (IT).
Apply critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities to everyday life.
Understand basic health, fitness, nutrition, and hygiene.
Demonstrate good sportsmanship.
Learn different types of music, art, theatre, and dance.
Demonstrate their artistic skills through displays and performances.
Be disciplined and responsible citizens.
Be active participants in their local communities through volunteer work and activism.
Develop an environmental consciousness.
Be able to speak, read, and write in Armenian.
Know Armenian History.
Practice and preserve the Armenian culture and heritage.
Respect different cultures and diversity.